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Categories: Living Our Values

Living Our Values: Accountability

The Bible reads, “Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load (Galatians 6:1-5).”

Just as HopeHealth believes that our word is our bond, I too believe that your name and character precedes you. A simple story of a girl who was scared to death of blood and would get sick at the smell of hospitals. Then, this little girl’s grandfather became ill. She couldn’t stay away from him just because of her fear. She had to make a life-changing decision. She decided to visit her grandfather at the local hospital. The next few days changed her life. From that point, she knew she wanted to be a nurse. She wanted to be just like the person she saw talking to her grandfather, changing his bandages, wipe his tears and providing comfort to her family. Now, 17 years later, serving as a nurse in my hometown where my grandparents and parents lived, learned and served, it has proven to be one of the most treasurable memories of my lifetime.

As scripture suggests, everyone must test their own actions, carrying their own loads. A day of judgment is coming when every person will have to give an account. Today, many are only doing what is right in their own eyes and doing his or her own thing. The reality is that when we are accountable to others and ourselves we leave ourselves vulnerable to the misery of feeling self-worthlessness.

Accountability is a must. The inability to accept responsibility for our actions and behaviors is a result of insecurity. Some may submit toweakness, being powerless, or assume that by by accepting responsibility, they will lose the respect of others. I beg to differ. Taking responsibility and being accountable, earns you respect. We can’t be perfect all the time and we all will make mistakes. The biggest lesson is how we respond and move forward in making it right.

“Accepting responsibility is a measure of one’s self-worth and the true sign of strength and courage.”

-Falecia Miller

When we accept responsibility, we are accountable for our actions and the responsibility for making improvements. Accepting responsibility is a measure of one’s self-worth and the true sign of strength and courage. As a member of the HopeHealth TEAM, I hold myself accountable for my actions “on and off the courts.” In my mind, the “lights are always on,” so we must, at all times, conduct ourselves in a manner that is to the utmost respect and genuineness. If we are genuine, it doesn’t matter the day, time or audience. We can stand firm on our values.

If we fail to be accountable, we ultimately fail ourselves.

HopeHealth Manning

Tags: Accountability, HopeHealth Values, Manning SC, Primary Care in Manning SC

Falecia Miller, Site Director, HopeHealth Manning. Photo by Bradley Lail/HopeHealth

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