From left, HopeHealth Diabetes & Nutrition Institute team members Anita Longan, Sondra Jett-Clair, and Kitty Finklea with Brooke Brittain, the vice president and nutrition section chair for the South Carolina Public Health Association. The HopeHealth dietitians/lifestyle coaches were among 12 individuals statewide who recently received a Voice of Public Health Award.
FLORENCE, S.C. (May 20, 2019) – Three of HopeHealth’s Diabetes and Nutrition Institute team members were among a dozen individuals recently recognized by the South Carolina Public Health Association as recipients of the Voice of Public Health Award, a new award recognizing those doing phenomenal work in public health in South Carolina, according to Brooke Brittain, vice president and nutrition section chair for SCPHA.
Nominations for the award were accepted in April during the SCPHA’s celebration of Public Health Month. Brittain said one of the organization’s main goals was to really recognize those doing wonderful things for public health.
Three of the 12 people chosen for this award are three of Hope Health’s finest:
- Kitty Finklea, registered dietitian and certified personal trainer
- Sonda Jett-Clair, chronic disease prevention coordinator
- Anita Longan, registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator
“When you think of people doing great things for public health, you will think of Kitty, Sonda and Anita. These ladies have such a passion and dedication to improving the health of everyone in SC,” read their nomination letter. “I like to borrow Sonda’s favorite phrase that is when you know better, you can do better. This is so true and really shows how much these ladies care about their patients and want to help them live healthier lives. These three ladies work so hard and have such a positive attitude. I could not think of any three people more deserving for The Voice of Public Health Award.”
The three HopeHealth recipients were presented with their awards after a SNAP into Health class at the Medical Plaza by Brooke Brittain, vice president and nutrition section chair for the South Carolina Public Health Association and SNAP-Ed program coordinator.
SNAP into Health is open to the public and part of the team’s ongoing partnership with the Department of Health and Environmental Control. The monthly nutrition class addresses a variety of topics such as food label reading, portion size, and cooking demonstrations. Each class includes a budget-friendly healthy cooking demonstration with generous samplings to taste.
“The participants enjoy learning how to take better care of their health through this fun and interactive class that provides a wealth of nutrition information,” said Kitty Finklea. “They also make new friends and enjoy learning together.” To learn more about classes and other public events currently available at HopeHealth, visit hope-health.org/events.
HopeHealth is one of 23 nonprofit, federally qualified health centers in South Carolina. We provide quality and affordable health care services to individuals in Florence, Clarendon, and Williamsburg Counties and infectious diseases services in Aiken, Clarendon, Florence, Orangeburg, and Williamsburg Counties. To become a patient, call 843-667-9414 or visit hope-health.org.