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HopeHealth earns state Advocacy Award

On Jan. 14, HopeHealth was given the 2020 Advocacy Award at the South Carolina Primary Health Care Association’s State Policy and Issues Forum in Columbia. This award went to the South Carolina health center that signed up the larg

est number of advocates during the second half of 2019. In addition to the Advocacy Award, HopeHealth was recognized as one of eight centers to reach the goal that was set earlier in the year.

HopeHealth recently wrapped up a campaign that encouraged patients and community members to register as health center advocates, which resulted in 1,300 new advocates!

“Several individuals put in a tremendous amount of work to help us exceed our goal,” said Kimberly O. Johnson, director of legislative affairs at HopeHealth. “It’s a big deal to have so many advocates signed up but it’s a huge necessity to get everyone to advocate and respond to calls to action. As an organization we still have a lot of work to do.”

Most recently, the efforts of advocates across the nation have helped extend funding for health center discretionary programs (about $1.6 billion) through Sept. 30, 2020 as well as the mandatory fund until May 22, 2020 (about $4 billion). Without congressional action, the most recent continuing resolution was set to expire on Dec. 20, 2019. This resolution would have provided five-year funding for community health centers but did not have enough support in the House or Senate due to disagreements on “surprise billing.”

The more advocates who take action by reaching out to elected officials with phone calls and emails, the more House and Senate members know that community health center issues, especially funding, are important to their constituents.

Becoming an advocate and supporting your community health centers is as easy as signing up at Calls to action are sent out via email periodically and typically require a few minutes to send an email or make a phone call. Support your CHC and become an advocate today.

HopeHealth is one of 23 nonprofit, federally qualified health centers in South Carolina. We provide quality and affordable health care services to individuals in Florence, Clarendon, and Williamsburg Counties and infectious diseases services in Aiken, Clarendon, Florence, Orangeburg, and Williamsburg Counties. To become a patient, call 843-667-9414 or visit



HopeHealth educates its patients on the importance of having a health care home. As a primary care facility, HopeHealth’s medical team works to prevent and detect illness and the early onset of disease, provide routine physical examinations and promote overall healthy lifestyles.

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HopeHealth 360 North Irby St. Florence, SC 29501 (843) 667-9414
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