HopeHealth expands diabetes care in Williamsburg county
Diabetes care for HopeHealth patients in Williamsburg County is expanding. Beginning this month, Christy Evans, DNP, will provide diabetes care services at HopeHealth in Kingstree.
These services are in addition to the nutrition services and diabetes education by telehealth already offered. Patients who see Evans for diabetes care will still see their primary care provider for other health-care needs.
Evans earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice from the Medical University of South Carolina and is a nurse practitioner at the HopeHealth Diabetes & Nutrition Institute in Florence.
Evans is passionate about her faith, family, friends, and empowering her patients to take control of their health. She provides diabetes care for patients struggling with A1c levels over 9 percent (a measurement of glucose in the blood), helps manage the chronic disease, and ensures diabetes care needs are met, such as:
- eye exams
- foot exams
- A1c monitoring
She has been with HopeHealth since 2013, and earned several awards for her work. These awards include:
- The HopeHealth Yvonne Van Camp Quality Award for her work to increase foot exam rates and reduce the incidents of foot ulcers
- The Diabetes Champion of the Year Award from the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control