HopeHealth in Kingstree given Business of the Year Award at Williamsburg Hometown Chamber

HopeHealth in Kingstree was presented with Business of the Year at the annual Williamsburg Hometown Chamber Awards Banquet.
The Chamber banquet, according to Williamsburg Hometown Chamber director Michaele Duke, is “an occasion to recognize individuals and organizations for their accomplishments and community service in the past year.”
Chamber members nominate annually for each award category. To be recognized as business of the year, the organization must be a member of the Chamber and have community support, offer special activities that go above and beyond for their customers, and make accomplishments toward improving the quality of life in Williamsburg County.
On winning the award, Falecia Miller, associate vice president of clinical operations, shared, “There’s a quote by Allan Rufus that says, ‘Hard work does not go unnoticed, and someday the rewards will follow.’ I feel this describes our receipt of this award. HopeHealth in Kingstree is in a season of rebounding and rebuilding, and we are excited for what is to come!”