HopeHealth Partners with DHEC to host “Pop-up Grocery Store Tours”
The Pop-Up Grocery Store Tour is a free hands-on learning event designed to help educate the community on how to make smart nutritional choices at the grocery store. Set in a simulated grocery store, the class will cover a variety of topics:
- Smart food choices when shopping.
- Comparing unit prices
- Reading food labels
- Comparing MyPlate food groups
- Ways to include kids in shopping
- Money saving strategies
- Meal planning strategies
- Interactive shopping exercise
When: Tuesday, July 17 & Tuesday, August 21, 10:30 am -12 pm
Where: Magnolia Room at the HopeHealth Medical Plaza | 360 N. Irby St. Florence, SC 29501
Cost: Free
More Information, call or email Sonda Jett-Clair:
843-432-3717 | sjclair@hope-health.org.