Talking is Power: Tips to Prevent Child Abuse

By Meg Temple, CARE House of the Pee Dee Executive Director
April is child abuse prevention month. Meg Temple, CARE House of the Pee Dee Executive Director, provides tips about how to communicate with your kids and others close to your family about a sensitive topic.
“Don’t be afraid to have real conversations with your kids. The more comfortable you are with talking to your children, the more likely they will be to talk with you if a problem arises.”
- Use correct names for children’s body parts or at least names that the general public would understand. Many times, children will disclose abuse to someone other than a parent, so it is important that the terms are generic.
- Don’t assume that your kids are safe with another adult just because you know them. It is a myth that most child abusers are strangers. Most often, it is people you know and trust.
- Think carefully before moving in with another adult. Children are often put in danger of abuse by adult roommates and/or significant others.
- Remember that the way you were raised is not the best or only way to discipline or parent your child. Talk to your pediatrician about positive parenting.
- If you see or hear behavior that concerns you, don’t be afraid to contact DSS. You can ask to remain anonymous.
If you have questions or concerns related to this topic, please contact CARE House staff at (843) 629-0236.